Janie Geiser

Janie Geiser: "Nervous Films," Secret Stories

“Geiser gives voice to the reaches of the unconscious, pointing to the abandoned splendor that exists prior to the rules of society and language.” —RES

World Premiere
Film/Video–Jack H. Skirball Series

Janie Geiser’s new series of experimental films—Ghost Algebra (2009), Kindless Villain (2010), The Floor of the World (2010) and Ricky (2011)—weave textures of overlaid visual and aural elements haunted by lonely, frightened or sinister figures. Sad women, ambiguous children and weightless ghosts hover between life and death, light and shadow, porous earth and uncertain skies. Geiser brings collage to a new level, as a space traversed by cut-out silhouettes, purloined drawings and fragments of black-and-white films. The image trembles, is cropped, elusive, a forbidden sight snatched from darkness; the spectator is invited to trek though the suggested layers of meaning as through the intricate foliage of an enchanted forest. Also showing: the world premiere of a surprise film.

In person: Janie Geiser

Curated by Steve Anker and Bérénice Reynaud.

Funded in part with generous support from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Associated Images: 

MON 10/17
8:30 pm

G - General Audience

M - REDCAT Members

ST - Students

CA - CalArts Students/Faculty/Staff