Kyle Abraham

Kyle Abraham/Abraham.In.Motion:
The Radio Show

“Smart and self-aware, and luscious too: the complete package.” —The New York Times

“The best and brightest creative talent to emerge in New York City in the age of Obama.” —Out

The Sharon Disney Lund Dance Series

Flowing from sumptuous swagger to elegant, precise articulation, the movement in Kyle Abraham’s breakout full-evening dance is set to an intricate audio collage, as the rising-star New York choreographer offers a passionate reflection on communal identity, personal history, and—poignantly—the loss of communication, of voice. The dance’s abstract narrative is built around the abrupt closure of a popular black radio station in Abraham’s hometown community in Pittsburgh—now deprived of a means of shared expression—a loss which the artist connects to a struggle against Alzheimer’s and aphasia in his own family. Abraham and his six fellow dancers, with their uncanny blend of easy fluidity and formal rigor, layer their performance to a sound tapestry composed of snippets of soul and hip-hop songs, call-in radio, static, electronic pulses and original music by company member Amber Lee Parker.

Funded in part with generous support from the National Performance Network (NPN) Performance Residency Program. For more information, visit

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WED 10/19
8:30 pm
THU 10/20
8:30 pm
FRI 10/21
8:30 pm
SAT 10/22
8:30 pm

G - General Audience

M - REDCAT Members

ST - Students

CA - CalArts Students/Faculty/Staff